Frequently Asked Questions

Negative Experiences

Recovery Factors is very effective at supplying the nutrients needed to regulate the intestinal epithelial cells (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5966675/) and supporting the digestive amino acid pools required for proper digestion and as such one can often see profound differences both in terms of the intestinal behavior and activity. These are likely to be short-term adjustments with a normalization in the long-term, but it does depend on the individual and their diet as to how regular the person is. There is a general move towards being more regular when taking Recovery Factors. After sometimes showing some initial brief worsening of gut symptoms, in our recent study people who improved showed an average 54.6% improvement in digestive symptoms. So if you have an initial gut symptoms, simply spread the dose throughout the day. In a few weeks, your gut will usually be functioning far better than before you began the supplement.

The sleep/waking cycle is determined by circadian rhythms which in turn are managed by the production of melatonin and which is also responsible for the onset of sleep (https://www.psychiatrictimes.com/view/role-melatonin-circadian-rhythm-sleep-wake-cycle). Melatonin is metabolized from serotonin in the pineal gland. Serotonin has the opposite effect to melatonin – being, among other things, responsible for increased alertness. By taking at least 2 tablets at bedtime (2 to 4 tablets is the range people generally take at bedtime), sufficient nutrient levels are available for the metabolism of serotonin levels to melatonin and generally this corrects the issue had by some people of not being able to go to sleep.

This is largely to do with the oxidation of the iron in the product in the duodenum. You can take vitamin C, drink orange juice or have coffee at the same time, or take it with a meal, to avoid this problem. If the problem persists, then start with a smaller dose. Recovery Factors is very effective at supplying the nutrients needed to regulate the intestinal epithelial cells (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5966675/) and supporting the digestive amino acid pools required for proper digestion, so can have a very positive action on the very thing that is causing the intolerance to it in the first place. Bring it down to 1 per day, then increase it by 1 per day, every other day until one gets to a normal dose. Stay on the normal dose for 2 weeks before moving to a loading dose to charge up and energize the body, this will give adequate time for your digestive system to become balanced.

There are many possible reasons why one would get a headache, but these are mostly a reflection of an imbalance in the body. Recovery Factors is highly energizing, because it increases the overall functionality of the body by supplying available nutrients to an otherwise-depleted body. This can result in things such as increased xenobiotic metabolism (also known as “Drug Metabolism”, which involves the act of metabolizing chemical agents in the body by the liver…colloquially referred to as “detox”). Your body has a certain capacity for these necessary functions and if exceeded, they can result in headaches. The solution is to bring the dose of Recovery Factors right down and increase it slowly over time. Bring it down to 1 per day, then increase it by 1 per day, every other day until one gets to a normal dose. Stay on the normal dose for 2 weeks before moving to a loading dose to charge up and energize the body. This will give adequate time for your body to balance itself and perform sufficient levels of detoxification before accelerating the processes in the body.